Meridian Idaho is known for many things, but perhaps none as much as the fact that this beautiful town and fishing resort has been designated as a National Historic Landmark. In addition to being an extremely beautiful town, it is also well known for one of the most beautiful fishing resorts in the entire world.
For many years, the town of Meridian, Idaho was nothing more than a sleepy fishing community, mainly populated by families and tourists. However, in 1970, a young man named Les Rich came up with the idea of constructing a multi-million dollar resort town, which included many of the popular and expensive hotels that the world has come to know today. By building these hotels, Rich hoped to be able to build a new business, which would allow him to buy land for the development of the towns surrounding the resort, as well as help him build his dream home.
However, this was not to be as Rich had nothing to build on, and a few years later, Rich filed for bankruptcy, leaving behind the unfinished resort town of Meridian, Idaho. After Rich had settled down and completed the unfinished resort, he decided to use the money that was owed to him, along with some other money that was owed to him from other businesses, to help with the construction of a new resort town, called Fairfield.
In Fairfield, Meridian was given the opportunity to establish its own town, which was to become completely independent. It was originally called Meridianville, but eventually became known as Meridian, after Rich donated the land that now bears the name of Meridian, Idaho. The idea was that the town of Meridian, Idaho would be given autonomy, such as how it is now a part of the greater state of Idaho.
In Fairfield, though, many of the things that are seen in many of the larger cities like Boise and Pocatello, were never designed or created here. For example, this town was built with the option for it to be located near the Mississippi River, and while it is now surrounded by beautiful scenery, some of the neighborhoods here are quite small.
One of the great things about this town of Meridian, Idaho is that it has the distinction of being known to most of the world as the place where the film, Forrest Gump was filmed. This movie is known for the journey that the main character, Winston, went on when he went back to his hometown of Meridian, Idaho, and got to meet the man who had played the lead role in Forrest Gump, Tom Hanks.
Of course, many people were surprised to learn that Gump was actually set to be the last film that was ever made in the state of Idaho, and not the start of something new and even bigger. Though it is not yet entirely clear as to what will happen with the town of Meridian, Idaho, it has become very popular since it was featured in the movie, and it is only a matter of time before it becomes a popular tourist destination for families from around the world.
Another good thing about the town of Meridian, Idaho is that it has now become one of the most popular destinations for the children of all ages, thanks to the opportunities that it offers to them. As the family vacation is something that is well worth the expense, especially when you consider the fact that the location of the town, and the surrounding scenery, makes it the perfect place for both young and old to enjoy themselves.